5-MTHF - Thorne - Active Folate for Mood, Heart Health and Fetal Development
Many individuals don't get sufficient 5-MTHF (L-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate), the active form of folic acid, because they have intestinal or liver dysfunction, or because they are among the three out of five Americans whose genetic makeup makes it difficult to convert folic acid into active 5-MTHF.* A deficiency of folic acid has been linked to low-birth-weight infants and neural tube defects, which is why the Centers for Disease Control recommends folic acid supplementation for all women of childbearing age. Since 5-MTHF also contributes to the production of serotonin, melatonin, dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, supplementation supports healthy mood.*Note: 1 mg of 5-MTHF is recommended for fetal support during pregnancy; the 15 mg option is recommended only when directed by a health-care practitioner.It is important for a woman of childbearing age to get enough folic acid – not just those women who are planning to become pregnant.* Because half of pregnancies are unplanned, any woman who could become pregnant should get enough folic acid every day. Folic acid intake is especially important before conception and during early pregnancy, since its biggest need is during the first trimester – when a woman might not even know she is pregnant. Supplementation with the active form of folic acid – 5-MTHF (L-5 Methyltetrahydrofolate)– is always preferable.Acting with vitamin B12, 5-MTHF functions as a methyl-group donor, thereby facilitating the conversion of the amino acid homocysteine to methionine.* An elevated homocysteine level is a risk factor for a number of undesirable health conditions. Methyl-group donation is vital to many biochemical conversion processes, including the synthesis of serotonin, melatonin, and DNA.*
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
**These products are prohibited to be resold on any third party sites including Amazon and ebay.

A-Bab - Byron White Formulas - Babesia Tick Borne Immune Support
Byron White A-BAB, tincture against Babesia infection
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Byron White A-BAB is a blend of 7 effective herbs in tincture. The combination of herbs is chosen to support the body as a whole and is very effective on it’s own or even better in combination with other tinctures. Tincture in general works antibacterial, especially for infections with Babesia, which affects primarily the brain and autonomic nervous system.
Amongst the tick borne organisms, the babesia family is one of the most prevalent to infect people and cause both acute and chronic illness, affecting major systems in the body. Fortunately nature has provided us with botanicals that help the body restore its natural health balance. Several of the botanicals, utilized in this formula, tested positive in study*, showing 80-100% effectiveness in inhibiting Babesia Gibsoni and malaria.
The specific botanicals and amounts coupled with the specialized testing and formula process used exclusively in Byron White Formulas, brings us A-BAB, a formula that has been utilized with thousands of patients clinically, helping to restore healthy function.
Cats Claw : circulatory tonic, immune stimulant, stomach ulcers, cancer, liver, Lyme, and relief from certain types of pain
Noni : high in antioxidants and polysaccharides, activating white blood cells and immunity
Sambong: used in Philippines for kidney and heart disease. Anti-parasitic
Curcuma: very strong antioxidant, helps with bile and liver protection, prevention of gallstones
Yarrow: for inflammation, improves digestion, works with fevers and gram +/- bacteria
Neem6: has been used in India successfully for millennia for a wide variety of ailments and functions as an antibacterial, antiviral, antimalarial, antiparasitic and for ringworm, lice, and scabies
Suggested Use:Start with low dose and titrate up as appropriate to 20 drops 2x daily, according to patient’s needs and tolerance level. It is helpful to use A-INFLAM and DETOX 2 to address inflammation, die-off and GI neuro-toxicity, BT-Detox for lymph stagnation, NT-Detox for neuro-toxicity and symptoms.
Byron White Tinctures
The tinctures of Byron White are one of the best in the world. Dr. Byron White was a healer with a 37 year practice. During his life he helped over 25,000 individuals with chronic illnesses and Lyme disease (borreliosis). His main focus was the research of natural healing plants and how to use them correctly. He created 40 herbal formulas, which are now used by different naturopaths, osteopaths and other practitioners.

A-Bart - Barton White - Bartonella Infection Herbal Supplement
Byron White A-BART, tincture against bartonella infection
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Byron White A-BART is a mixture of 9 effective herbs in a tincture. The combination of herbs is chosen to support the body as a whole and is very effective on it’s own or even better in combination with other tinctures. Tincture in general works antibacterial, especially for infections with the Bartonella bacteria.
Tincture in general works antibacterial, especially for infections with the Bartonella bacteria.
To mention only a few of the contained herbs:
Allium sativum: It works antibacterial and as an antioxidant, thereby preventing cell damage. Raises the immune system, helps keep your breathing healthy and positively affects your cardiovascular health and liver, especially during stress.
Glycyrrhiza glabra: It promotes the function of the entire reproductive system and helps with a healthy bladder and prostate. It improves the immune system, acts as an antioxidant and contributes to healthy intestines and digestion. His positive effects also extend to psychological health. (
Azadirachta indica: Regulates blood sugar and protects the eyes, skin and liver function. It has antibacterial properties, especially in the digestive tract and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It also works well on the immune system.
Citrus paradis:regulates the microbiological balance (bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi) of body organs and tissues.
Hemidesmus indicus: It supports the entire urinary system (kidneys, bladder, urethra) and takes care of a stable menstrual cycle, while helping with hot flashes and other menopausal inconveniences. It affects the upper part of the respiratory system. Detoxifies blood and supports skin health.
All ingredients are carefully selected and act synergistic.
Byron White Tinctures
The tinctures of Byron White are one of the best in the world. Dr. Byron White was a healer with a 37 year practice. During his life he helped over 25,000 individuals with chronic illnesses and Lyme disease (borreliosis). His main focus was the research of natural healing plants and how to use them correctly. He created 40 herbal formulas, which are now used by different naturopaths, osteopaths and other practitioners.

A-Bio - Byron White Formulas - Bacterial, UTI and Bladder Infection Immune Support
Byron White A-BIO, tincture against bladder inflammation (UTI)
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Byron White A-BIO formula combines 18 biological and wild, natural (non-cultivated) herbs that help your immune system in a natural way. The herbs contained have a positive effect on lymph regeneration, healthydigestion andurinary tract (kidneys, bladder, ureter).
Research on individual herbs supports antibacterial activity against a variety of organisms including Escherichia coli, a common pathogenic bacterium associated with bladder inflammation, just like Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Studies also confirm a reduction in the symptoms of bronchitis and a reduction in mucus and secretions in the lungs.
Byron white A-BIO contains:
Uva Ursi: The primary active ingredient in Uva ursi is Arbutin, which fights urinary tract infections and relieves discomfort and inflammation during urination.
Eucalyptus oil: has antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal components and a long history of successful use against colds, flu and other respiratory problems, rhinitis and sinusitis.
Rosemary extract: has several therapeutic uses, and the main ingredients are excellent antioxidants from the phenol diterpene family.
Oregano: The oil extract is a repeatedly confirmed and traditionally used bacterio- and viro-static and prevents the growth of E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, bacteria that commonly attack the bladder and urinary tract.
Contraindications: If you are taking blood-thinning medication, consult your doctor or specialist before use.
A-BIO works synergistically with:
Detox 2
Byron White tinctures are one of the highest quality in the world. Byron White was a healer with 37 years of practice. During his lifetime, he has helped over 25,000 individuals with chronic diseases and Lyme disease (borreliosis). His main focus was research on natural medicinal plants and how to use them properly. He created 40 herbal formulas that are used today by various naturopaths, osteopaths and other healers.

A-C - Byron White Formulas - Coxsackie Virus Upper Respiratory Support
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Coxsackie virus is commonly found in Spring and Summer months with Flu like symptoms that often reoccur weeks later.
About half of children with Coxsackie virus exhibit no symptoms. It can also cause other symptoms such as: hand foot and mouth disease, herpangina, hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, viral meningitis, encephalitis, myocarditis. Coxsackie can be relatively mild or serious, affecting the heart, brain, bone marrow and may lead to viral meningitis.
Some symptom possibilities: headaches, fever, muscle aches, sore middle of throat, lymph swelling, fatigue, cough, pneumonia.
A-C supports the immune system of patients with the viral family of Coxsackie and contains herbs that have been shown to historically have anti-viral, anti bacterial, and anti-septic abilities and that support the immune system, white blood cell production, lymph detox, thymus, fever and inflammation reduction.
A-C has been use with both acute infections and deeper chronic layers. A INFLAM and NT-Detox are crucial support formulas.
Olive Leaf: studies confirm its antibacterial, antifungal, antiinflammatory effects with antioxidant capacity double that of green tea and are 400% greater than vitamin C
Lemon Balm: antiviral
Thyme: antiviral, immune booster, used for colds, coughs, sorethroats, fungus
Self Heal: antibiotic, antiseptic, used for wide variety of ills and wounds including AIDS, TB and cancer
Astragalus: immune stimulant, liver protective, antiviral, builds chi, balancesspleen and digestive system
Lomatium: antiviral, antibacterial, immune boosting
Contraindications: Monitor diabetics and patients on blood thinners. Not recommended during pregnancy
Suggested Use: Acute: A-C can be used at a higher level, such as two droppers, 2-3 times a day. To avoid relapse it is preferable to stay on A-C and support formulas for six months after symptoms subside or until blood or energetic tests show that it has cleared. Chronic: 1-2 drops 2 times daily and titrate up to 20 drops 2 times daily as needed /tolerated.

A-CM - Byron White Formulas - Cytomegalovirus and Immune Support
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Cytomegalovirus is a common virus that can affect anyone. It can affect eyesight, organs, cause encephalitis or seizures, fatigue, neurological systems and cause labored breathing.
Symptoms can differ for patients with compromised immunity.
Cytomegalovirus can have a huge impact on patients with Lyme disease, preventing them from getting better. The herbs in A-CM offer strong immune support and antioxidants protection.
Symptoms of CMV: Hearing loss, vision impairment, with suppressed immune systems it can cause: visual impairment, pneumonia, diarrhea, ulcers, hepatitis, encephalitis, behavioral changes, seizures, and/or coma. For babies born with CMV: yellow skin/eyes (jaundice), purple skin blotches or rash, low birth weight, enlarged spleen/liver, pneumonia, and/or seizures.
Olive Leaf studies confirm its antibacterial, antifungal, antiinflammatory effects with antioxidant capacity double that of green tea and 400% greater than vitamin C
Hyssop moves excess fluids or phlegm
St. John’s Wort astringent, anti-inflammatory
Lonicera influenza, flu, fever, sore throat
Astragalus immune stimulant, liver protective, antiviral, encourages stem cell/white blood cell production, used in TCM for spleen deficiency
Echinacea antibacterial, immune stimulant, used for colds, antifungal
Contraindications: Be careful if you're on an anti-depressant, MAOinhibitors. If taking very high dosages of this formula avoid extreme sunlight exposure. Not recommended during pregnancy.
Suggested Use: Acute: Start with 1-2 droppers 2 -3 times daily. Chronic 1-2 drops 2 times daily and increase as tolerated to 20 drops 2 times daily. Support: Detox 1 for liver support, A-INFLAM, DETOX 2, BT-Detox for toxicity and lymph, NT-DETOX if there is neurological involvement.

A-Cpn - Byron White Formulas - Chlamydia Pneumoniae - Lyme - Mold Coinfection Formula
Byron White A-CPN, against Chlamidia Pneumoniae, Lyme and mold coinfection)
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Byron White A-CPN is an exclusive blend of herbs in a tincture that naturally support the body’s immune system and help to defend and fight bacteria and mold. In particular, A-CPN is designed to fight Chamidia Pneumoniae– even in the coinfection with Lyme disease and mold.
The A-CPN-contained herb Nu Zhen Zi Fen protects the liver and acts anti-inflammatory and supports the body in the fight against neuro and bio toxins.
Studies confirm that the chemical components of the herb Berberis vulgaris, such as berberin, palmatin, columbaine and coptisine, work against diabetes, liver disease, bladder pain, digestive problems and urinary tract inflammation.
A-CPN formula also contains:
Crytolepsis sanguinolenta,which is also used in the treatment of malaria (Plasmodium falciparum) and similar parasitic infections. The active ingredients are isoquinolin alkaloids.
Barberis vulgaris with many anti-inflammatory effects and positive effects on digestion.
Rosemary extract has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effects and protects the liver and improves cognitive function.
Olive leaf extract contains polyphenols that have antiviral, antibacterial and anti oxidative properties and can reduce bladder inflammation.
For the best and fastest effects, we recommend using with detox 2 and A-INFLAM support formulas.

A-DEN - Byron White Formulas - Dengue Fever - Encephalitis - Meningitis Support
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Dengue virus is now being found in the USA, as well as Western and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (WEE and EEE). They are carried by mosquitos and in stable flies (Stomoxys calicitrans). Dengue and WEE/EEE affect the CNS and can cause encephalitis and meningitis as well as internal organ damage and in some cases dengue can also cause hemorrhagic fever.
A-DEN helps support the body’s immune function and historically has shown to have strong antiinflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial components.
Contraindications: Not recommended for use during pregnancy.

A-EB/H6 - Byron White Formulas - Epstein Barr Virus, EBV, Mononucleosis Support
Byron White A-EB/H6 against Epstein-Barr and herpes virus 6
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Byron White A-EB/H6 is a special blend of 8 antiviral herbs to fight Epstein-Barr and herpes virus 6.
The modern world has severely weakened our immune systems, allowing many infections. Viral infections are especially difficult because we do not have the any medication for them (antibiotics do not work against viruses).
EBV or Epstein-Barr virus (human gammaherpesvirus 4) is one of eight known types of herpes viruses in humans. It is one of the most common viruses in the human body.
It is best known for causing infectious mononucleosis (or “glandular fever”). It is also associated with malignant and non-malignant diseases of the lymphatic system. It is a trigger of some autoimmune diseases, mainly of the skin, joints and bones and nervous system (multiple sclerosis). About 200,000 cases of cancer are attributed to EBV virus each year.
Infection is possible with saliva or genital secretions. Symptoms of mononucleosis persist for at least 2 months but can last for more than half a year. They are moderate fever, fatigue, lack of energy and pain.
Human herpes virus 6 has human as the primary host. It infects almost all population. It can cause long-lasting issues in people with poor immune systems, as it can lie inactive and reactivate when the immune system becomes waker.
It is associated with kidney failure, epilepsy, impaired vision, cancer, infertility, thyroid disease, chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple sclerosis.
Byron White A-EB/H6 tincture is great for supporting the immune system and fighting EBV and herpes 6 viruses.
The tinctures of Byron White are one of the best in the world. Dr. Byron White was a healer with a 37 year practice. During his life he helped over 25,000 individuals with chronic illnesses and Lyme disease (borreliosis). His main focus was the research of natural healing plants and how to use them correctly. He created 40 herbal formulas, which are now used by different naturopaths, osteopaths and other practitioners.
Contraindications: If patient is taking a large dose (20 drops or more) and is on MAO inhibitors or exposed to extreme sunshine or has porphyria, they need to be monitored. If a patient is on Coumadin or other blood thinners, it should only be used under doctor super supervision and with regular blood tests. Patients with peptic or duodenal ulcers can be sensitive to formula at higher doses. Not recommended for use during pregnancy.

A-EHV - Byron White Formulas - Ebola - Virulent Infection Immune Support
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With Infections such as Ebola, and other virulent infections it is important to have a strong immune system and provide the body with the best defense possible as well as keep the cells strong and provide antioxidant support.
A-EHV is a powerful immune support formula, comprised of 32 powerful herbs with a history of supporting the body with viral issues as well as bacteria, mold, and fungus. It has strong antioxidant abilities as well and supports the body systems and strengthening its defenses. It can be used both as a preventative and in acute and chronic infections.

A-FNG - Byron White Formulas - Anti-Fungal Candida Herbal Support
Byron White A-fng, tincture against intestinal mold
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A-FNG is short for Anti Fungal or “anti-mold/fungus”. It is primarily intended for the health of the gut with strong antibacterial and anti-fungal activity Contains 24 extracts of herbs, including:
Syzygium aromaticum (bud) – Supports healthy digestion (EFSA-Q-2008-2861),
The Juglans nigra (shell) supports the function of the digestive tract (EFSA-Q-2008-4131), supports the resistance of the organism to external influences (EFSA-Q-2008-4130),
Azadirachta indica (leaf) supports the immune system (EFSA-Q-2008-4699), acts anti-bacterial, especially in the intestine and on the skin (EFSA-Q-2008-3999), against stomach ulcers (EFSA-Q-2008-3998),
Allium sativum (clove), acts antibacterial and strengthens the immune system (EFSA-Q-2008-3941),
Glycyrrhiza glabra (Root) improves digestion (EFSA-Q-2010-00521), prevents nausea and digestion problems (EFSA-Q-2010-00523),
Salvia officinalis (leaf) contributes to the normal functioning of the stomach and intestine (EFSA-Q-2008-4531), antiseptic function (EFSA-Q-2008-3092).
All ingredients are carefully selected primarily for bowel health and regulating digestion. The mixture of herbs in the tincture acts synergistic.
The tinctures of Byron White are one of the best in the world. Byron White was a healer with a 37 year practice. During his life he helped over 25,000 individuals with chronic illnesses and Lyme disease (borreliosis). His main focus was the research of natural healing plants and how to use them correctly. He created 40 herbal formulas, which are now used by different naturopaths, osteopaths and other practitioners.
A-FNG contains herbs that have been shown to support the immune system of patients dealing with all types of candida, fungus and mold. It also supports the body and contributes to regeneration.
It is vital to use Support formulas with A-FNG in order to address the issues of inflammation and die-off toxicity. Detox 2 will help prevent the re-uptake of toxins and help the gut with dysbiosis so that it can heal.

A-GM- Byron White Formulas - GMO and Artificial Sweetener Detox Formula
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GMOs and artificial sweeteners have become an increasing issue and have been known to createdamaging effects in the body. These substances are often hidden in foods under “natural flavors”.
GMOs have been known to cause degenerative disease, cancer, DNA damage and interfere with the body’s ability to heal and maintain balance.
A-GM Detox supports the body in detoxifying GMOs and artificial sweetener toxicity. The herbs in this formula also help the body’s systems in detoxifying aspartame, sucralose and fructose.
Due to the constant exposure of GMOs and artificial sweetener toxicity we recommend taking this formula daily.
Traditional use of several herbs:
Rosemary: strongly antioxidant, antispasmodic, antiseptic, antiyeast, antibacterial
Chaga: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immune stimulant
Cat’s Claw: repairs DNA, circulatory tonic, immune stimulant, stomach ulcers, cancer, liver, Lyme, and relief from certain types of pain
Celery Seed: contains linoleic acid and omega-6
Bladderwrack: natural source of iodine, metabolic support, trace minerals and vitamins including zeaxantin, lipid balance
Codonopsis: tonic herb, protects against radiation
Ku Shen: liver protective, useful in hepatic disease, fatty liver degeneration, and fibrosis
Mei Gui Hua: anti-inflammatory, tonic
Cordyceps: protective and adaptogenic
Passion flower: supports neurological system, promotes relaxation
Contraindications: Not recommended for use during pregnancy
Suggested Use:It is recommend to use a small amount of this formula. Research has shown that 1-2 drops daily helps the body detox GMOs and artificial sweeteners.

A-HP - Byron White Formulas - Helicobacter pylori - Ulcer and Digestive System Support
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H. pylori is a bacterial infection and usually goes undetected by patients who may or may not notice symptoms. An accurate breath test is available from most labs. H pylori has been linked to cancer, erosion of the stomach, digestive reflux and bronchial problems.
The herbs utilized in A-HP help support a healthy GI tract and digestion, relieving irritation by coating and helping to heal inflamed and ulcerative surfaces.
Symptoms: dull or flaming pain in abdomen (chronic gastritis), nausea and vomiting, repeated burping, bloating and fullness, weight loss, difficulty swallowing, burning throat, pain in chest or restricted breathing, slow GI motility, indigestion, feeling very hungry 1-3 hours after eating, reflux, fatigue, sleeping problems, mood changes/anxiety, skin changes, nutritional deficiencies. Often there are spleen deficiency and stomach chi issues (Chi becomes rebellious causing burping and burning sensation).
Traditional use of some of the herbs:
Cumin: helpful with ulcer, digestive system, stomach upset
Dandelion: used as blood cleanser, and for liver/gallbladder support, also a highly nutritious herb Marshmallow: helps relieve irritation by coating inflamed surfaces
Red Clover: used for cholesterol, toning arterial walls, to prevent clumping of red blood cells, and as blood cleanser, a very nutritious herb
Elecampane: antiseptic, digestion, antiparasitic, antifungal, lung support
Clove: anti-parasitic, antiseptic, germicide
Pushkarmool: used for ulcers, antioxidant, antimicrobial, liver protective, used for cancer care
Pau D’ Arco: used for immunity, antiviral, antimalarial, and other tropical diseases
Sage: has been used medicinally for millennia and has antiviral, antimicrobial properties. In China it is used as a yin nerve tonic to strengthen the system. It helps circulation, and is a very potent antioxidant.
Contraindications: Not recommended during pregnancy. Monitor patients on blood thinning medication.
Suggested Use:Start with 1-5 drops 2 times a day and titrate up to 20 drops 2- 3 times a day. Can titrate up fairly quick and maximum does not need to be reached. Due to the lifecycle of the organism it should be taken for up to 2 to 3 months.

A-Inflam - Byron White Formulas - Herbal Inflammation and Cytokine Support
Byron White A-Inflam Supports General Inflammation
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Byron White A-Inflam is a blend of 13 soothing herbs to help balance the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body.
Inflammation is caused by the activation of the immune system. Triggers can be viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi or other pathogens, allergies, intolerances, hormonal imbalances, injuries and other toxins. Such inflammation is the basis for most modern chronic diseases and the cornerstone of autoimmune diseases.
A-Inflam tincture is specifically formulated to reduce such inflammation and cytokine storms. It contains herbs that have been shown to reduce inflammation while balancing the body’s immune response.
They are also commonly used in patients with autoimmune diseases and neurological problems.
The formula has adaptogenic properties, reduces allergies and protects the liver, while at the same time regenerating the whole body.
Some features of included herbs:
Licorice: analgesic (pain-reliever), antioxidant, anti-rheumatic, tonic, blood cleanser, immune-modulator (selectively reduces overactive immune cells), anti-mutagenic (cellular protector)
Cat’s Claw: knee pain, rheumatoid arthritis, immunity, cancer/HIV
Turmeric: immunity, cancer, inflammation, plaque buildup in brain
Devil’s Claw: joint/muscles pain, inflammation, analgesic
Guduchi: analgesic, weakness, digestion, memory, skin, edema, gout
Ashwaganda: stress, hypertension
Eleuthro Ginseng: adaptogenic, stress, adrenal tonic, immunity Milk Thistle: liver disease, normalizing blood lipids
Milk Thistle: Protects the liver, against cholesterol
Traditional properties of a few of the herbs:
Licorice: analgesic (pain-reliever), antioxidant, anti-rheumatic, tonic, blood cleanser, immune-modulator (selectively reduces overactive immune cells), anti-mutagenic (cellular protector)
Cat’s Claw: knee pain, rheumatoid arthritis, immunity, cancer/HIV
Turmeric: immunity, cancer, inflammation, plaque buildup in brain
Devil’s Claw: joint/muscles pain, inflammation, analgesic
Panax Ginseng: adatogenic, immunity, infections, endurance, fatigue
Guduchi: analgesic, weakness, digestion, memory, skin, edema, gout
Ashwaganda: stress, hypertension
Eleuthro Ginseng: adaptogenic, stress, adrenal tonic, immunity Milk Thistle: liver disease, normalizing blood lipids
Byron White Tinctures
The tinctures of Byron White are one of the best in the world. Dr. Byron White was a healer with a 37 year practice. During his life he helped over 25,000 individuals with chronic illnesses and Lyme disease (borreliosis). His main focus was the research of natural healing plants and how to use them correctly. He created 40 herbal formulas, which are now used by different naturopaths, osteopaths and other practitioners.

A-L Complex - Byron White Formulas - Lyme and Borrelia burgdorferi Infection Formula
Byron White A-L complex, tincture against Lyme disease
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Byron White A-L Complex is a mixture of 10 effective herbs against Lyme disease. The combination of herbs is chosen to support the body as a whole and is very effective on it’s own or even better in combination with other tinctures. Tincture generally works antibacterial, and is especially intended for infections with Borelia, which affects the primary brain and autonomic nervous system.
Containing herbs:
Onion (bulb) – Allium cepa
Garlic (cloves) – Allium sativum
Black Walnut (hull) – Juglan nigra
Horseradish (root) – Armoracia rusticana
Ginger (Root) – Zingiber officinale
Sarsaparilla Officinalis (root) – Smilax officinalis
Clove (bub) – Syzygium aromaticum
Coptis (rhizome) – Coptis chinensis
Gardenia (flower) – Gardenia jasminoides
Banana Peel (peel) – Musa paradisiaca
All ingredients are carefully selected and act synergistic.
Primary Actions
It will stimulate the immune system against the spirochete form of Bb.
It has the capacity to penetrate the Bb cyst.
A-L will work intracellularly against the cell wall deficient forms of Bb.
Besides working intracellularly, it will work on the more naïve extracellular Bb forms.
It can be used in the treatment of acute and chronic Bb.
It will work on all strains of Borrelia.
This formula will support the suppressed immune system that results for chronic exposure to these bacteria.
Secondary Actions
This formula is designed with the assumption that Borrelia never comes alone. Babesia, Bartonella, Ehrlichia, and probably Mycoplasma often accompany it. To a lesser degree A-L supports the immune system to address these co-infections.
Lyme disease has a progressive immune suppressive effect. The more chronic the infection the more the patient experiences an overgrowth of opportunistic organisms. This formula helps address these infections and decrease the pathogen load. The herbs in this formula have historically been used against a wide number of bacteria, viral, fungal, and parasitic organisms. These include Staph, Strep, fungal and Candida forms, Trichomonas, Chlamydia, (among others).
Garlic: Garlic is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial, chelator, and promotes the biosynthesis of fatty acids.
Horseradish: This herb is an antibacterial, antiseptic, clearing congestion in lungs, sinus, urinary and muscular skeletal system.
Onion: This plant has antifungal, antiseptic, antiprasitic and antibacterial effects. It strengthens the heart digestive system and balances blood pressure.
Clove: Well known for its effects as a tonic, febrifuge, antiseptic, antifungal and antiparasitic.
Artemisia: Internationally known for its anti-malarial and antiparasitic effects, it also has antifungal, anti-caner, anti-spirochete activities. It enhances natural killer cell response. It also has anticoagulation activity.
Ginger: Ginger is an antiseptic, cleanses the lymphatic system, stimulates circulation and is a potent detoxifier.
Usnea: This herb has broad-spectrum antimicrobial activities affecting virus, protozoa, Candida, Trichamonas, Chlamydia, to name just a few. It is also an analgesic and cyst buster.
Astragalus: For centuries this herb has been used as an antimicrobial, adaptogen and tonic to the immune, lung, kidney and heart. It will increase energy as it detoxifies.
Black Walnut Hull (green): Promotes healing of mucous membranes by clearing fungus, parasites, virus and enhancing colon detoxification. Potent source of nutrients.
Lemon Peel: Supports the vascular system, as it is a digestive aid with nutrient support.
Sarsaparilla officianalis: This herb is an antiviral and toxin binding agent. Traditionally it has been used to treat syphilis, psoriasis and other skin disorders.
Banana Peel: Banana Peel is an antiviral with smooth muscle relaxation ability making it helpful in the bronchi with asthma and muscle cramps.
Gardenia: This herb can be helpful in fever balancing the bodies heat and cooling properties. It has tonifying effects on the nervous system helping irritability, restlessness, insomnia and tension headaches.
Coptis: Coptis is an antimicrobial and blood purifier that treats liver and gall bladder inflammation. It can affect multiple digestive system symptoms.
Byron White Tinctures
The tinctures of Byron White are one of the best in the world. Dr. Byron White was a healer with a 37 year practice. During his life he helped over 25,000 individuals with chronic illnesses and Lyme disease (borreliosis). His main focus was the research of natural healing plants and how to use them correctly. He created 40 herbal formulas, which are now used by different naturopaths, osteopaths and other practitioners.